Tuesday, February 24, 2015

American Sniper book review

This is a review of the book American Sniper wrote by Navy Seal sniper Chris Kyle. The review is the work done by my 13 year old daughter. As she was reading the book she would tell me what it was about. When she was done reading it, I asked her to write a review to tell me what she thought. I was blown away by her review,and had to share her work with everyone I could.

Read this review and share it with anyone and everyone you know. Our children are our future leaders and I wish all of our young Americans take interest in subjects like this!

Report on "American Sniper"  the book.
by Alayna Cummings

American Sniper. Probably one of the best books I've ever read. The movie was great. It captured alot of amazing details from the book, but the book was just...extraordinary. It opened up my eyes and made me think!
Chris has such an amazing personality and sense of humor. He put his heart and soul into the SEALS unit. He used so much military lingo it made my mind twist! He went through so much. From falling off a horse to bullets ricocheting off of his helmet,almost blinding him! And don't forget his world record setting shot of 2100 yards!
He saved so many of his fellow Americans,brothers,but lost a few as well. His friend Mark and Ryan. They had amazing impacts on his life. Don't get it twisted, he got revenge on the people who killed them. The bad guys were called" insurgents".

Chris was known as a SEAL,but was famous for his sniping. He'd always find the best spots for sniping. Some people called him"The Legend " or "The Myth".  His kill streak was 20+ in combat. Chris went through many switches in war from switching platoons to working with the NAVY. He loved it all! Killing was his game.

Life at home wasn't the best. He had a son and daughter, including an amazing with named Taya. Chris and Taya had alot of ups and downs. She didn't like his motto, "God,Country,Family". Taya thought it should be"God,Family,Country". Chris would always re-enlist when she asked him not to.
He loved his family, but he wanted to protect his country and brothers. His son was born first then his daughter. His daughter had very bad jaundice, which she took medicine for, but it affected her liver.
They thought she had leukemia, a form of lung cancer, but gladly she didn't.

In Chris's 4th deployment he decided not to re-enlist to see his children grow up and to be with Taya. Chris and his friend Mark made a business called CRAFT which taught people how to shoot. They also went shooting with injured people from the ARMY as well. Chris and his family moved out to Texas to be where the school was. Chris would go on 3-4 day vacations with his children when Taya was busy. He got the kids to love him even more.

Right before Chris's deployment he became Chief of his platoon. He didn't care about the rank he had he just wanted the action! He loved what he did but after he quit he got depressed.He started to drink every day. One night he took a sharp turn and totaled his car. He says that's what opened his eyes.

Chris was now a happy guy. He was a family man a teacher and a veteran. This book by far is so amazing! No words could tell you how I feel about this book! All I can say is Chris Kyle was a tough guy. A perfect man that served his country. Maybe a little too much, but he did his job.

My rating of this book is off the charts. One of the best books of all time. It makes you see who the bad guys are and who the good guys are too.

That was powerful stuff don't you think? Leave me your comments on this .
In other news: If you would like to change your life for the better then this is a great place to start
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That's all for now see you in the next post   Thank You
James Cummings

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